WISE was the answer to our journey of Listening and Spoken Language (LSL). Watching Vivi struggle for 2 years (her first 2 years of life) was heartbreaking. Out of the womb, Vivi had a dynamic personality, even with her hearing loss. We knew we wanted her to learn to speak and use spoken language, however it was not an easy path. She wanted so badly to communicate and I wanted her to hear my voice, my laughing, my crying, even my ‘no no don’t do that’. I truly felt like we were not complete on what we could give our child as parents. We were so lost with all we went through to get Vivi implants. Once we had the implants, the hard work began, and that is why we are so thankful to WISE. For the first time Vivi could communicate with her twin sister, her parents and her friends. Without WISE our daughter would not have learned to speak and listen. The specific therapy and training they provide to the children is amazing. The encouragement and resources they give to parents are also an added bonus. Vivi truly learned and grew into the spoken language she has from WISE. Learning Spoken Language to me is the piece of the puzzle my child was missing. What an amazing gift spoken language is. Because of LSL she is able to be in school with her peers and is excelling. She is also able to play sports and communicate with coaches. Most of all, as her parents, we are able to give her encouragement, wisdom and advice as parents should.