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Allie was diagnosed with progressive hearing loss as a toddler. She started attending the Alabama School for Hearing, now known as The Woolley Institute for Spoken-Language Education (WISE) as part of their very first class. While she was a student there she lost the remainder of her hearing and received bilateral cochlear implants. Her language was significantly delayed when she started attending the school and the additional hearing loss and change to Cochlear implants compounded her struggle with communication. The school was an incredible support for our whole family as Allie learned to hear and speak with Cochlear implants. She was able to begin kindergarten in mainstream public school and is currently performing at the same level as her peers. She loves to read and perform in plays! This would not have been possible without the wonderful people at WISE. We are forever grateful for their support.


Our prayers have been answered. Allie can hear and talk. Our miracle came through a group of people who have dedicated their lives to children like our daughter. She will leave this school with a hope and future that didn’t seem possible a couple of years ago. Please accept our sincere appreciation for what the entire staff does for these children, especially our daughter. We will be forever grateful.
